What is Figging? A small introduction

Eine Hand neben einem definiertem, männlichen Brustkorb.

If you are reading about figging here for the first time or only know the term from “50 Shades of”, then the idea of ​​figging is difficult. Figging has something to do with ginger. But that doesn't explain much more. After all, the little tubers are not exactly known as sex icons. In fact, figging has less to do with the root itself and more to do with the oils hidden within, which cause the heat and also the sting. The pungent substances gingerol and shogao work here.

With figging, a piece of ginger is rubbed over the mucous membranes or inserted. It is a so-called tunnel game – that is what practices are called that cannot be broken off. Once in contact with the oils, the effect must be awaited.

The mucous membranes or the skin is irritated by the oils and sends small pain impulses, the body reacts with heat. The areas become warm and burn a little, depending on the mucous membrane, the reaction can also be more intense. The heat improves blood flow to the areas and causes them to swell up a bit. This makes them more sensitive and more responsive. 

Where does figging come from?

This form of punishment already existed in ancient Greece and Rome. Here slaves were tied up inside and punished with the ginger. The sight served as amusement for rulers. The word figging itself comes from the 19th century English word “feaguing”. It means loosely translated “to drive” or “to heat up”.

It depends on the dose!

Don't worry, figging isn't just for experienced BDSM lovers: indoors. Although very intense and burning experiences can be had with figging, the effect always depends on the spot and the dose. The great thing about ginger is that it is a natural compound, so it is body safe and hypoallergenic. You're just irritating your skin, not hurting it.

If you want to experiment with the sensations first, our Ginger Spray and Ginger Massage Oil are the best solution. Depending on where you apply it and the intensity, you can experience everything from sensual sensitivity to burning. You can also apply the products to your personal erogenous zone. The Ginger Massage Oil invites you to intensive massages and our Ginger Spray is a versatile accessory that heats up your activity without any effort.

Well, are you curious? We have another article for you: Gentle sensuality with ginger for beginners.

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Already tried it? Figging for Beginners


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